혁신, 신뢰, 협업
자동차 R&D 파트너
차량 계측 센서/시스템 자율주행/ADAS 개발 솔루션 차량 시험 컨설팅 및 리웍
Advanced Vehicle Driving Simulator (aVDS)
The ideal instrument for future vehicle development
The advanced Vehicle Driving Simulator (aVDS) is a versatile and innovative driving simulator, combining a high-performance motion platform and high specification audio and visual hardware with industry-leading virtual content from rFpro. The result is a simulator capable of accurately representing the smallest changes to a vehicle's configuration and an ideal instrument for the future of vehicle development. Try it for yourself, book a test drive.
Expand your capabilities
The aVDS has been designed to reduce new vehicle development timescales and costs by allowing meaningful testing far earlier in the vehicle development process. The simulator can be used across a breadth of applications, including: vehicle dynamics, ADAS and autonomous systems, durability, hardware-in-the-loop, software-in-the-loop and driver monitoring. The ability to change suspension parameters on the fly or to conduct complex automated manoeuvres in chaotic traffic conditions is a level of capability that engineers dream of. Whether you are testing a pre-prototype model on a digital version of your chosen proving ground or assessing passenger anxiety as your autonomous vehicle negotiates the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the aVDS gives you unparalleled flexibility and freedom without compromising safety.
It feels real
When it comes to simulation, immersion is critical to maintain the authenticity of the driver's experience and reactions. When designing the aVDS we wanted it to be so involving and detailed that seasoned drivers could detect incremental parameter changes as if they were in the real car. Thanks to the high road surface fidelity reproduced by the aVDS, simulated results and data correlate closely with those attained by physically driving a real vehicle on a specific road or track. Visual, audio, haptic and vestibular cueing ensures that the driver is fully engaged with senses stimulated for an unmatched level of realism. The platform's motion and visual feed have been precisely synchronised to eliminate the motion sickness often experienced when operating driving simulators.
Dynamics and performance
The aVDS utilises high specification linear actuators to deliver class-leading 6DoF dynamic performance, with up to 60Hz frequency response, providing a tightly harmonised driving experience. The motion platform can be quickly configured to take a variety of payloads up to 500kg, facilitating the installation of real vehicle cabins. Advanced cueing effectively makes the already generous motion envelope seem even bigger. Faithfully recreated vehicle dynamics can be experienced in a variety of common tests, including: cornering, lane change, slalom, braking in turn, impulse, sine, step, ramp, swept steer, braking and more.
Integration : Sim, Lab, Track
The aVDS has been designed to make vehicle and system development simpler and faster. We have ensured that the aVDS integrates seamlessly with our other test equipment, providing a link between simulation, laboratory-based testing, and track testing. The synergy between our product families means that scenarios, vehicle models, test data and other critical information can be 'copied and pasted' between the test equipment. In this way, correlation becomes simpler, timescales are reduced, and development activities are more productive.
Built for you
The aVDS is part of the AB Dynamics family of driving simulators. The specifications of each being tailored to the customer. We build the simulator that meets your requirements, working with you to determine the most suitable package. Whether you need a workstation, static or dynamic solution, stereo projection for 3D visuals, a custom lightweight cabin or additional computational power. To find out what is possible, get in touch.
A name you know, support you can trust
Whether you are developing a new vehicle, training autonomous systems or trialling new tyres, the aVDS is a simulator built by one of the most trusted names in automotive testing. Our experience working with numerous proving grounds and the world's most prominent vehicle safety organisations, like Euro NCAP and NHTSA, has given us key insight into the rigours of vehicle development and testing. Critically, with over 30 years of experience developing systems for the largest vehicle manufacturers in the world, we designed the aVDS to address the industry's present and future requirements. It is not just a simulator, it is an incredibly powerful vehicle development tool and, as our customers will attest, we are ready to provide the training and support necessary to ensure that you can utilise its full potential.